A cool medium tempo rocker with a rolling bass and guitar.
Flying Sparks
Medium slow Stonesy rock with a smile in the backbeat.
Einstein Proof
Fast moving quirky rocker with some chicken picking pads.
Upbeat high speed train travel with all the bells and whistles. Rocker.
Meat Dessert
Serious rocker with a dark feel. Guitar stabs and bass cement the rhythm.
Restart Fever
Medium tempo rock theme with a strong horn section and take charge feel.
The Right Space
A take charge blues rocker with fun beats and attitudnal guitar.
Doesn’t Really Matter
A nice let it flow rocker with a Pink Floyd meets Yes feel. Cascading guitar.
A fun funky romp with clavicord and guitar love.
Rocks In Hard Places
For those in need of medium tempo rock in your hard places. Nice vibe with an attitude.