One of the scariest movies of all time and a scary audio piece. Do you have the Shining?
Funky Cat
To be this Funky of a Cat you need lots of takes. lol. Manic rock with all the sides.
Inspired by a Korean restaurant this was me messing around on the piano and then getting inspired with Beatles horns and all the rest which just came together.
Son of a Dolla
Medium up serious rocker with some nice synthesizer and effects. Good video cut.
Born from Clyde by JJ Cale this is a trombone and bass playin dog.
Dancing Cow
You've probably noticed I'm a bit abstract at times like this. My grandson Ramsey named it. He said it sounded like the bass is a cow dancing.
Funkydo what Funkydo. I'm full of it so I funk. Funk and Blues rule.
Latino Jazz
A latin jazz rock fusion with two or three songs having at it. An interesting flavor.
Mission Complete
Medium slow mission rocker with a serious vibe, some nice stops and textures.
Sorry Nope
Medium to up tempo abstract rocker with some feedback guitar and moving drums.