Southern Rock

Great Smokies

A medium up Southern rock feel with ping bass and lead guitar.  The Great Smokies are beautiful.  

Uninterrupted Joy

Upbeat let it rip blues rocker.  Simple three piece with power Austin Texas chords.

Delta Dusk

Is it Country, Rock, Funk?  Yes.  Upbeat and letting it fly.  

Slow Down

Some cool country funk.  Medium tempo serious feel with a piercing guitar.  

South Star

Medium tempo Southern Rocker with. some nice changes and flute. 

Down South

Medium slow country ballad with a serious vibe.  Southern Rocker.    

Austin Way

Some serious blues organ and guitar play on the streets of Austin.  Upbeat and ready. 


Medium tempo country rocker with a mournful harmonica as heartbroken as you can get.  

Two Dogs

With two dogs you turn into the Allman Brothers.  Upbeat rock bed with spunk.