Medium up tempo rocker with some funky keyboards ala Michael McDonald. That sound anyway.
Rocking Blues
Train South
Medium tempo rocker with some cool effects. Rocking out with the organ on the Train South.
River Road
Road where I lived in Maumee Ohio. Medium to upbeat rocker with strong bass and guitar stabs.
Dancing Doc
A rocking dance flow for the doc with some cool synthesizer, bass stabs and beat.
Crazy Hank
Medium to up serious rocker with a moving down the highway bass and guitar flow.
Clean House
A rocking clean house with synthesizer floor waxing and guitar wall blasting.
Classic Cat
A medium classic rock cat with a cool bass and guitar strides.
An upbeat swing through Bolero with some nice organ, horn and bass flow.
Blues Virus
An upbeat thematic attempt to find the cure. Strings and bass highlight the voyage.
Tear the knob off rock or the Flintstones hometown.