A song for all Mothers on Mother's Day. You are the glue in every family!
Hold On Darlin
Medium tempo rock, country and jazz hybrid with some interesting chords and changes.
Radio Glass
Medium tempo jazzy rocker. My first radio station had the little glass squares you can't see through.
Jazzy Girl
Medium slow jazzy flow with alto sax laying low and a nice shuffle drum.
Walk Alone
Medium jazzy flow with some nice chords and changes throughout. Some trombone kicks.
Waiting On Love
Pretty slow jazzy rocker with a nice walking bass line and snappy rhythm. Love is on the way.
You’re My Life
Cool medium tempo jazzy shuffle with a popping bass and brushy drum.
A Splendid Time
A splendid melody and harmony and a walk through the park bass with cello.
Twice Removed
A fun jazzy rocker with fun bass and guitar play.
Stay to the End
Medium tempo jazz with a cool bass and guitar weave.